Newsletter from the SA Branch President:
Kate Moore
President's Report AGM
March 2023
Patron: The Honourable Natalie Charlesworth
Life Members:
Valerie van Putten (Awarded 12/2/2018)
Anna Angelakis (Awarded 12/2/2018)
John Moore (Awarded 11/2/19)
Katharine England OAM (Awarded 24/2/2020)
Julie Wells (Awarded February 2021)
Judy Miller (Awarded February 2022)
Honorary Members:
Mem Fox (Awarded August 2018)
Christobel Mattingley (Awarded March 2019)
Phil Cummings (Awarded August 2019)
Janeen Brian (Awarded October 2020)
Sally Heinrich (Awarded August 2021)
Pat Pledger (Awarded August 2022)
2022 Committee:
Executive committee
President: Kathryn Beilby
Vice President: Ian Boyd
Treasurer: Anna Angelakis
Secretary: Adriana Macdonald (Minutes)
Secretary: Caitlin Hadrill (Membership)
Communications: Caitlin Hadrill, Ian Boyd, Adriana McDonald
Committee Members:
Janeen Brian, Susan Ditter, Brenda George, Linda Guthrie (Shadow Judging State Coordinator), Natalie Kling, Jo Marshall, Karyn Stephens (Communications member), Margaret Wilkinson, Roxanne Clare, Kate Moore
CBCA National Board Representative:
Jane Moore (October 2020 to present date)
2022 was another busy year for the CBCA SA branch. While at times we were affected by COVID restrictions, we continued to promote children’s literature through positive community engagement. The 13 elected 2022 committee members continued to meet via Zoom and later in 2022 we welcomed new member Roxanne Clare and welcomed back Kate Moore from maternity leave.
During 2022 we were able to hold the following events:
• CBCA SA AGM via Zoom
• Night of the Notables via Zoom with CBCA Judge Sarah Forrest giving a brief talk about her 2021- 2023 judging role and presenters Katrina Germein, Becky Lucas, Julia Baldwin, Eileen McCabe and myself talking about our top CBCA BOYA picks in a chosen category.
• Raising Readers with Megan Daley via Zoom
• CBCA SA Branch were fortunate to co-host an event with the Australian Children's Laureate, Gabrielle Wang on a very wintry evening in Hahndorf.
• CBCA SA Branch hosted our annual Book Week Dinner at The Lion Hotel, North Adelaide on Friday August 12. This was a wonderful evening where members and non-members mixed and mingled with SA creatives and representatives from SLASA, May Gibbs Trust including fellow Sara Acton, SCWBI & eKIDnas, PRC, Raising Literacy Australia and the Women’s & Children’s Hospital School. At the dinner the CBCA SA Branch recognised and celebrated our newest Life Member Judy Miller and Honorary Member Pat Pledger. Our key speakers included The Honourable Natalie Charlesworth, Federal Court Judge, and author Jane Godwin.
In 2022 the CBCA SA branch were also involved in:
The Sun Project: Shadow Judging funded opportunity. I would like to thank our SA National Co-ordinator Linda Guthrie for supporting our schools. This will be continuing in 2023 under the new title of Shadow Judging.
Actively supporting our creative community by being present at events and book launches. We took responsibility for organising raffles at the book launches of Charlie Archbold (The Sugarcane Kids and the Red-Bottomed Boat) and Mike Lucas (What we All Saw). Both authors generously donated a collection of books for the raffle, and we were able to donate $100 to ILF from Charlie’s launch and $200 to the SA Ukrainian Appeal from Mike’s launch. We also provided support for Katrina Germein at the launch of her children’s non-fiction book ‘Wonderful Wasps’
Donating on behalf of our members, $300 to the Lismore Library Flood Appeal, and boxes of new children’s books to help Ukrainian refugees who began arriving in SA
Donation of brand-new children’s books to two small SA country schools in Goolwa and Penong
Providing a reference for a grant application to the Australia Council for the Arts to hold the Adelaide Festival of Children's Books this year. This grant, put forward by Mike Lucas, was successful, and the CBCA SA through Vice President Ian Boyd were involved in planning. This event was held in early November and provided Hackham East Primary School and Ngutu College with the opportunity to have very welcome visits from a number of SA creatives.
The 14TH NATIONAL CBCA CONFERENCE in Canberra attended by Jane Moore, Ian Boyd, Roxanne Clare and myself.
Storytellers at Holdfast, organised by Tracy Glover, where nine clever creatives freely donated their time with the CBCA SA offering support & snack packs to the presenters.
SCBWI SA Professional Day where CBCA SA committee members Jane and Kate Moore gave an enlightening and entertaining talk to SCWBI members about ‘Book talks and Beyond’.
A new initiative: CBCA SA Branch Literature Engagement Project 2023 will provide financial support and professional development opportunities for two schools (situated 200kms+ from the Adelaide CBD). We have already been receiving applications from schools across SA which is encouraging.
As you can ascertain from the above, our branch has been very active over the past 12 months, and I thank you for the support you have given us. 2022 has also seen the beginning of a spirit of collaboration and support with like-minded literature groups: May Gibbs Trust, PLS, SLSA, PRC, SLASA and the CBCA SA. A wonderful venture organised by Tracy Glover.
In SA we are very fortunate to have important and beneficial relationships with the following sponsors:
Greenlight Comics
Becky’s Literary Bookings with congratulations to Becky Lucas who received the ABA Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing 2022 Children’s Bookseller of the Year.
Pegi Williams Book Shop
Scholastic Australia
Dillons Norwood Bookshop
We thank them for their continued generous support of the CBCA SA Branch.
In my role as President, I am regularly in touch with the National Board and the support they offer our branch. On the weekend of November 4-6, Jane Moore and I attended the National CBCA Strategic Planning meeting in Melbourne. The large group of attendees from all over Australia worked together to develop the CBCA Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values statements.
I also wish to acknowledge CBCA SA member Sarah Forrest who has undertaken CBCA BOYA Judging in the Picture Book category for the past two years. Thank you Sarah. I know it has been a busy but very worthwhile experience.
CBCA SA continues to strive to improve communication with members and the community and is continuingly reviewing the delivering of our message.
Thank you to Caitlyn Hadrill, Ian Boyd, Adriana McDonald & Karyn Stephens for maintaining our presence on social media channels in 2022 and beyond.
Despite Covid interruptions our membership continues to remain steady at 150 members.
Planned future events with more to come:
February 16 7 - 8pm Shadow Judging discussion via Zoom
March 5 10am Two young 2022 CBCA Shadow Judges will be interviewing author Sean Williams at Adelaide Writer’s Week
March 6 6.45 - 8.45 A revamped Night of the Notables plus guest speakers, Kate & Jol Temple
June 3 ZART Art 2023 CBCA Book Week ideas Time & venue TBA
August 11 Book week Dinner Further details TBA
2023 Highlight:
CBCA SA will be awarding Life membership to Jane Moore for her service to the CBCA SA Branch and CBCA National Board.
As I step down from the CBCA SA President’s role I would like to thank Ian Boyd (Vice President), Anna Angelakis (Treasurer), Adriana Macdonald (Secretary), Jane Moore (CBCA National Vice President), Caitlin Hadrill (Secretary), Linda Guthrie, Karyn Stephens, Janeen Brian, Natalie Kling, Margaret Wilkinson, Jo Marshall, Susan Ditter, Brenda George, Roxanne Clare and Kate Moore for their continuing support of the children’s literature community in SA. They give up their time voluntarily and it is very much appreciated.
I would also like to thank Sarah Roberts and Burnside Library for generously offering the use of their beautiful venue for a number of our events.
Kathryn Beilby
President’s Report
AGM 2023