SA Membership
Membership of The Children's Book Council of Australia (SA Branch) is open to all South Australian people and organizations interested in promoting children's literature, encouraging children's reading through a variety of community activities, and supporting South Australian authors, illustrators and publishers and those who provide children's literature services in schools and the community.
This includes educators, schools, library staff and their organisations, authors, illustrators, publishers, retailers and other corporations, parents, grandparents and other community members.
Annual membership is due by 1 March each year.
Membership Benefits
For all CBCA (SA) members
​one voting membership of the Branch (Two for Corporate 2 members and Sponsors)
can serve on the Branch Committee and the National Board and its groups (e.g. BOYA judges, National Subcommittees)
access to professional development activities aligned with AITSL standards
discounted rates for CBCA (SA) professional development and other events
discounted rate for CBCA functions including the biennial National Conference
electronic newsletters (minimum 4 per year)
emails informing of news, events and offers
can advertise relevant events and product through CBCA (SA) newsletters, emails and social media
can access Members Only pages on the CBCA (SA) and CBCA websites for additional information and resources
have opportunities to share an interest in children's books at branch activities
contribute to bringing literature and young South Australians together as part of the children's literature community
​In addition members and the wider community can access information and connect through
Children's Book Council (SA Branch) Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Membership Categories and Fees
Members choose the membership category that best suits their needs.
Concession $45 (Full –time student / Health card / Seniors Card)
Single member only
Creative $45 (Published children’s author/illustrator or member of SCBWI or SA Writers Centre)
Single member only
Individual $65
Single member
Corporate $85 (Suits schools, libraries and businesses)
Single member
1 mail-out to members or 1 small visual e-newsletter ad
Cross promotion on social media
CBCA (SA) values and seeks Sponsors for mutual benefit.
Some Sponsor benefits
Silver Sponsor $225 (Includes Full Corporate 2 membership and benefits)
Two members
3 mail-outs to members or larger visual e-newsletter ads
Cross promotion on social media
Named as sponsor on newsletters and e-mail outs
Gold Sponsor $325 (Includes Full Corporate 2 membership and benefits)
Two members
Up to 6 mail-outs to members or larger visual e-newsletter ads
Cross promotion on social media
Named as sponsor with logo on newsletters and e-mail out​
​Please contact if interested in sponsorship.
Membership Payment
Annual membership is due on 1 March each year.
​All fees include GST.
2024 Memberships and Sponsorship opens on 6 December 2024.
A tax invoice is available for those unable to use Trybooking.